Jully Sadadiwala

Jully Sadadiwala

Graduate Student

Jully graduated from Drexel University in 2015 with a major in Biological sciences and minor in psychology. Later, Jully completed her Master’s in Microbiology and Immunology at Jefferson University. Her thesis research was performed at Integral molecular, specifically using high-throughput screening to discover novel receptors for Dengue virus serotype 3 using the membrane proteome array (MPA). Jully then joined the molecular microbiology and microbial pathogenesis PhD program at Washington University, where she joined the Philips’ lab. Jully is interested in studying and characterizing Mtb effectors that regulate or undermine host immune responses to persist and establish infection. Her thesis project focuses on studying the Mtb protein CpsA and its role in inhibiting xenophagy through interactions with host factors. Additionally, she would like to study host-pathogen interactions, with a focus on Mtb biology and pathogenesis.